Run: Aerobic Run Previous Next


5:42 PM

3.6 mi


16:02 mi




212 lb
143 bpm
173 bpm
60 bpm


44 F

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Neighborhood/Lake Opeka path

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And my skin exploded in red from foot to face. I'm not sure what caused it, but the allergic reaction was fully developed by the time I finished the workout. I had some kippered herring as a snack about an hour or so before starting; I've had it before with no effects. At about thirty-five minutes in, I was running into the sun and my bare left foot stepped on something squishy on the path that I couldn't see. It was probably goose poop. My wife suspects it may be what I stepped in, though, given the timing, I'm more prone to suspect the snack. Regardless of what caused it, a Benadryl helped with the reaction. This was a barefoot walk/run with just the Garmin footpod taped to the top of my right foot. This is an older, but similar setup: The temperature hit 49F today, which was sufficient to warm the asphalt path by the lake, though the concrete sidewalks were still a bit cool. I couldn't resist it and had to go BF. Unlike the last couple of workouts, there was much less tightness in the calves and it did not last as long. Great workout and great to be barefoot, in spite of the reaction.
