Bike: Easy Previous Next


6:11 PM

8.3 mi


12.82 mi / hr


210 lb
123 bpm
139 bpm
60 bpm

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This is my first logged exercise after getting sick with a sinus infection, taking some antibiotics, and recovering for a while. That time off wreaked havoc on my training schedule. I had hoped to complete the Galloway 30-week plan for an event at the end of October. Missing several weeks of running means that may no longer be possible. I will still work forward with the plan just to build my fitness, though with a slight modification. I will try to simultaneously stick with my Maffetone low HR limit of 135 bpm. This may simply mean more and longer walk breaks instead of using a fixed ratio and not doing the magic mile timing tests to determine those ratios. This is my second aerobic exercise of the day. Perhaps I should wear my Garmin and HRM while spending the forty-five minutes or so mowing the lawn. I did that earlier today and have been doing it several times a week as I whack the heads off of the dandelions. It's good to be exercising again.
