Run: Long Previous Next


3:15 PM

12.6 mi


8:01 mi


25 F


12 miles on the schedule and i was totally not looking forward to it. my last double digit run was november 29, and that 10 miler was quite a disaster. i wasn't sure how my knee would respond to the distance or whether my legs were ready for such a jump in miles...but happily, i apparently DO remember how to run long distances! didn't feel that great starting out, tried to keep it slow, but ended up picking it up a bit later as my legs felt fresh [my guess: started out around 8:15, finished around 7:45]. some stomach issues around mile 5, luckily i happened to run past a mall and despite the lack of public bathrooms anywhere in boston, malls are a guarantee. overall good run! also enjoyed my new running playlist, i was bored of my old music.
