Run: Fartlek Previous Next


6:30 PM

4.1 mi


7:49 mi

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workout plan: 15 x [1 min @ 10K pace, 1 min easy]

actual: 16 x [1 min @ 10K pace?, 1 min easy]

what is my 10K pace? good question. the last 10K i ran was at 7:30 pace but that seemed way too slow for this workout, so i went with "7:13" pace on the TM and eventually bumped it down to 7:03 for the last couple of reps. recovery intervals were at "9:13" pace. i used my power hour playlist to keep track of time [best idea EVER!]. i'm totally going to make an updated one with newer songs and use it for fartlek runs in the future. doing it on the TM was good, it was nice knowing that i was keeping the pace i was supposed to, although it was extremely HOT in the gym and so i felt like i was dying/overheating by the end...and yet i did an extra interval because i lost track...oh well. really surprised actually at how well this workout went - i felt strong on the interval portion, and only felt like i was dying/wanted to stop/needed more rest on the last few recovery minutes and i think that was mainly due to the heat. glad my cold didn't prevent me from doing this workout this week! rockin'.
