Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:30 PM

5 mi


7:44 mi

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workout: 5 miles @ HM pace [HM PR pace = 7:49]

actual: 5.01 miles @ 7:44 = success!

for some reason, i have been dreading this since i put it on my calendar. i guess after my "not HM pace HM pace runs" last week, i was worried because there was no way i was holding that pace for 5 miles. i think that's why doing this workout on the TM turned out to be a really good idea, it forced me to lock into a pace, stick with it, and not allow myself to slow down [only speed up! :)] kicked the pace up to 7:41 for a few minutes throughout, and for the last 800 gradually decreased the pace until i was kicking at 6:53 at the end.

everything is harder effort wise for me on the TM so i don't know if this would equate to a faster pace outdoors, who knows

mantra for the day: FUCK CAN'T

i wanted to stop so badly like 1-2 miles in, and i was giving into the negative thinking of "i can't do this, there's no way i can get through 5 miles at this pace, i should just quit at 3". but through the combination of the most amazing tempo playlist i've ever made and this thought, i did indeed make it. and it felt awesome.
