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10:30 AM

21.5 mi


9:02 mi


  • Map

Forest Park


this was an expedition...

Along the bluff to Van Houten, down to the railroad tracks and attempted to cross the Willamette on the railroad bridge, made it about halfway before realizing how dangerous it was. Turned back, up Edgewater to Willamette, over the St. John's bridge, down the ramp and along Hwy. 30 to NW Saltzman. Up NW Saltzman to Skyline: 3.76 miles uphill. Love it. Then down Fire Lane 5 to Leif Erikson. Took Leif north to Springville Road down to the Bridge and home via Ivanhoe/Richmond/Willamette. Doubled back a short while on the bridge trying to catch a dog running loose in the traffic. He eventually ran up Springville, so I guess he's OK.

Felt pretty strong the last 4-5 miles; there was some mud surfing coming down the hill in Forest Park that definitely impacted the time. Raining pretty much the whole time.
