Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:50 PM

9.1 mi


7:21 mi



8 / 10


Today's run was down to the village and then around it once for a total of 9.11 miles. I did approximately 4 miles of this as a tempo, probably around 6:00-6:30 pace. The first 2 and the last 3 miles were just easy running, somewhere in the neighborhood of 8:30s.

Overall, this was a good run. My legs felt pretty decent the whole way, and I didn't feel like I was killing myself. After today's run, I'm pretty confident that I could pull off a sub-19 5k, maybe even sub-18:30. I'm pretty sure that aerobically, I'm in the best shape ever. I'm nowhere near as fast as I was, but I have a way better base than any other time, so I'm pretty psyched. All I have to do is stay healthy.
