Run: Moderate Previous Next


10:30 AM

8 mi


9:51 mi


150 bpm


28 F


4 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


From the bottom of the path down to Senor Road, turned around at Roxbury Mountain and went back. Total distance was 8.04 according to the RunningAHEAD mapping. I felt good today, apparently all I needed was a good 9 hours of sleep and the past few kind of bad days are gone. I ran easy today, varying between 9:40 and 10:30 pace depending on terrain. Average pace for the first 7 miles was 10:13.

When I had finished those 7 miles and had just one mile left to go, I decided to push it to pretty much a maximal effort for the last mile. Not a complete max, but I ran hard and probably couldn't go much farther at the same pace. I ran the last mile in 7:12. Sort of disappointing, but it's a lot of uphills, and it was after 7 miles of running.
