Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 PM

8 mi


8:01 mi


2 / 10


A fairly easy run after work. I absolutely wussed out this morning and didn't do my 8 because of the rain, and I am very ashamed of this. I planned on 8 morning and 6 evening, but obviously it didn't work out. This run was decent though. I felt kind of crappy in the beginning, but after about 20 minutes or so I got into a groove and it felt good the rest of the way.

I had a touch of shin splints during this run, and I find myself wondering whether it's just getting used to the new shoes. I didn't feel shin splints in the 14 miler on the first night I got the shoes, nor did I have shin splints on my 20, but these shoes still only have about 60 miles on them. We'll see how they feel in another 150-200 miles or so when they're broken in.
