Run: Long Previous Next


15.9 mi


7:22 mi


6 / 10
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Decently tough run. The weather was good; 60 degrees and sunny, although it was pretty windy at times. I planned on starting slower and finishing faster, but it didn't happen. Went out in about 7:30 pace, and held that for about 7 miles, then dropped down to 7:20 pace or so to mile 10, and from 10-15 it was 7:10 pace. The last mile was up Lumber to the driveway, so a mostly uphill finish at 7:30 pace.

Overall a good run, even if I faded a bit at the end. My pace didn't necessarily nosedive, but if I had eaten a better dinner and had more water, I would have been a bit less wiped out at the end. No leg pain, just the familiar ache in my knee when I run long on pavement in flats. I think I'll get a bit more substantial shoe for longer mileage, perhaps a Speedstar or Ghost.
