Run: Kinda Long Previous Next


5:30 PM

13.9 mi


7:58 mi


5 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


I had to stay later at work today, so my run started later. It was 90 minutes later, in fact, which was a bit disappointing. It was wicked cold today on the run, much colder than I expected it to be. The temperature was around 28 or so, which is apparently not shorts and long sleeve weather. I survived though.

This was just an easy 14 miler around Wellesley, Needham, and Newton. I would have liked to have gone more, perhaps 16-18, but doing it after work in the dark is not the best conditions. I felt a bit lost this entire run, since it was a new route, but that's good because I think it slowed me down a bit and I probably need to slow down more. Not particularly hilly or anything like that, this was a pretty good run besides the cold.

This week was less than stellar in terms of mileage. I got some good quality in, but that elusive 7th day slipped even farther away, as I ended up only running 5 times this week. Very disappointing. Since I couldn't sleep in my room Friday night because of Sam's party, I was a bit thrown off and ended up forgetting to bring my shoes to work on Saturday, so I missed out on at least 6-7 miles of easy running. Next week will be better, I'm going to keep the mid-week workouts down in intensity but keep the mileage up, try to double up on some of the easy days, and aim for an 18 miler on Sunday. I should end up with about 70-75 miles for the week if I play it right.
