Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:00 PM

12.2 mi


7:19 mi


7 / 10


I got out of work at 5:45 today, so I got a little daylight to run. I did the 8 mile loop first, I was going pretty easy for the first 3-4 miles then I picked it up for the next half of it for a bit of a tempo. Everything felt well under control: breathing, turnover, etc. I wasn't killing it, but I wasn't slacking; a nice, steady pace for the second half.

After that, I went back to the store and stretched/hung out for 15-20 minutes while they closed up, then I went for another 4 with Jason and Matt. It started out relatively steady, not hard or easy, but Matt took off and I was feeling good and I decided to go. Up the hill on Wellesely Street is where he decided to go, and he dropped me at the time since I wasn't decided about whether I should go or not. I caught back up to him and we ran a pretty quick pace back to the store, where I bowed out and stretched. The first 1.5-2 miles was probably at 7:30 pace or so, and the next couple were definitely sub-7:00, probably 6:20-6:35. Going that fast felt good, but I'll definitely have to slow it down tomorrow. I was pretty upset that I didn't get to run yesterday, so I may have overcompensated and run too much this evening, but I feel good about it.
