Run: Race Previous Next


5 km


5:59 mi

Race Result

7 / 289 (2.4%)
3 / 26 (11.5%)


I am still trying to figure out how to race and not just run a fast training run. I knew the course well since I ran this race last year. I had hoped to knock at least 20-30 seconds off my 5k PR. Might be a bit aggressive as I have dealing with some knee issues the last few weeks. I arrived around 45 minutes prior to race start. I didn't see anybody I know, so I went out alone for a 2 mile warmup. My stomach was sloshing alot and I actually broke a sweat running around an 8:10 pace...ugg this may not be good..went to the starting line around 9:45 and just did some light stretching. Lined up and gun went off right on time...Two guys shot off the line, I knew one guy, Jim St Pierre, was a 15:30 5k guy so I tried not to get sucked in, but still went out a bit too fast so dialed it back and got passed by 3 people including the woman's race winner, Kara Haas..I wasn't surprised as she kicks my ass all the time..she finished in 4th overall in 17 something. I hit mile 1 and the woman says 5:18...there is no way in hell. I remembered thinking last year that the first mile was short. Sure enough I looked at my garmin and it was only 0.93 miles. My first mile off of the Garmin was 5:48...I was happy as most of the elevation gain is in the first 1.5 miles of the course. I was just on cruise control for Mile 2..this is where my "racing" needs work. I had people in my sights but I never made a mental goal to actually catch them...I just run and if I happen to catch them great, if not, whatever. I need alot of work on this and I'm not sure I'll ever get that part down. Also, I always feel comfortable so I know I'm not pushing myself enough. Anyways, hit mile 2 at 11:38..slightly long, which makes sense since the first mile was short. Garmin says I did it in 6:04 so that makes it more like 11:52..Here is where things got interesting. After hearing 11:38 I got a bit excited thinking sub 18 might be possible, so I start to surge. Just as I get into a nice groove, I almost take a header when my right foot hooked a huge tree branch that was in the road. I never even saw it. Fortunately I kept my balance but it threw my concentration. Shorly after this, I got passed right around 2.25 miles...I tried to get back into decent rhythm, but it was not happening..beared down and tried to finish strong...hit the finish in 18:32 and change, according to my Garmin, the course measured right at 3.1, so mile 3 must be slightly long too...last 1.1 in 6:40...finished in 7th overall and 3rd in my age group....Overall I'm happy with the new PR, but still think I could have easily knocked at least another 10-15 seconds off with very little effort.
