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Bitter Pill


the bitter pill is a 12 hour adventure race that consits of treking, navagation/orienteering, mountian biking, swimming, rope climbing..competeing in teams of 3 people

the race started at 5am and you must get to the finish line by 5pm..there were 19 teams and 16 mandatory checkpoints as well as 3 bonus checkpoints..the bonus checkpoints would deduct time from your finish time.

Team was in 4th place after 7 checkpoints...maybe 5 minutes behind the lead team..then went to hell in a handbasket..spent over 2 hours looking for checkpoint 8...navagation is critical in this type of race and we blew it...decided to just move on to the next point..flew through the next several points, one of which was a crazy rope traversion over a waterfall and gorge...was having a blast ..then we came to 5+ miles of single track very technical mountain biking..I suck at mountain biking and was assured by my team that there was no single track (guess it was new this year)..after almost falling off a cliff I decided it was best to just push my bike for 5 miles up and down a mountain...and got stung by some yellow jackets..not fun..hit the last couple of checkpoints and crossed the finish line 6th in just over 9 hours....not sure where we ended up officially since we missed a checkpoint and skipped the (3) bonus checkpoints..which were right after the mountain bike fiasco...all in all it was a lot of fun, but not sure it's something I would do again.

Still waiting for official results to be published.



nice job

Eric M

thanks Sully, it was pretty crazy but a lot of fun..minus the mountain bike trail from hell