Bike: Moderate Previous Next


5:56 PM

24.6 mi


19.24 mi / hr


QR Lucero


139 lb
137 bpm
164 bpm


8 / 10
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workout said 75 min at mod. with the heat, i was going to ride low mod, but ended up even easier. I got home a little late, so road to tp hill and then started alone at a low mod (80%, maybe slightly less). I saw blake & Jeff going the other way after about 20 min, so u-turned and made a short, tempo-ish effort to catch them, and then rode with them the last 20+ min. Blake said he was riding tempo, so I thought i'd be able to sit on his wheel and ride mod. Effort for that section dropped to easy+, maybe 75% effort.. It was too easy a lot of the time, especially since we had a stretch with a car in front of us. I kept moving to ride next to him when it got too easy, and then he'd surge ahead and I'd move behind him again, which made it more of a yo-yo effort ride than I intended.
