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54.8 mi


18.11 mi / hr


QR Lucero


142 lb
139 bpm
156 bpm



7 / 10
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my mom & sis offered to help paint at 11:00, so was going to loop the lake early and meet the group. Lauren rinck asked me to join her and rich stanley for an early ride, so i agreed. she didn't mention she had intervals mixed in. I swallowed my ego and let her go, so after about 50 minutes I was alone for 1.5 hrs out to seagoville. My effort through then was an easy 7/10. I felt like I could do that all day.

When I got to the light at Cartright on the way back, the front F2T group caught me. I tried sitting in, but people were going going easy and then surging pretty hard, so i backed off after Elk Hill and rode easier and even until the diamond shamrock I was in a hurry, & celina said she didn't feel good sitting, so the two of us left from diamond shamrock alone for the last 40 minutes, still going easy.

nutrition. 2 bottles infinit. 1 20-0z bottle gatorade, and 32 oz water.

Avg Cad: 90

avg pwr: 157

NP: 177

VI: 1.12
