Bike: Race Previous Next


24.1 mi


21.5 mi / hr


QR Lucero


146 lb


8 / 10

Race Result

19 / 237 (8%)
3 / 21 (14.3%)
19 / 187 (10.2%)
  • Map

<No name>


For nutrition, I had 1 bottle of infinit. That's the only calories I took in during the race. With the perk of being the first wave and an improving swim, the road was pretty open until about half way through when the olympic and x50 courses returned from an out & back that the sprint skipped. I didn't have any data, and there were no mile markers, so I didn't have any distractions from PE. It was windy and more rolling than I expected, but I felt fast and passed most of the few people I did see. I made 1 mistake by u-turning early at the x50 turn around when the olympic went about a mile farther. Luckily, I realized right away, and didn't end up unintentionally cutting the course. I did look at the maps to compare, but it had looked like both races turned at that point and no sign said olympic go straight.
