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7:02 AM

96.5 mi


21.59 mi / hr


QR Lucero


141 lb
134 bpm
177 bpm


7 / 10
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Shiner ride. nice tailwind this year. humid, but not too hot

I rode the first 6 miles at a tough pace, then backed off when I got in trouble (I'd told myself i'd go with a fast start for 10, then back off if the group didn't). After that, i just stayed off the front (until the end) and tried to ride easy without spiking my HR. I felt great through the ride. I could have easily kept going much longer. I noticed I could pull the group and stay in my HR zone after about 80 miles, too.

Nutrition: I had 4.5 servings of Infinit at 1.25x strength. (I started with 2 bottles, plus a 3rd bottle mixed triple strength and refilled at the 50 mi rest stop to have 3 bottles and no need to stop again. )

Avg Cad: 88

Avg Pwr: 118

NP: 154

VI: 1.3
