Bike: Long Previous Next


7:33 AM

61.4 mi


18.09 mi / hr


QR Lucero


146 lb
135 bpm
175 bpm



7 / 10
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cadence sensor battery was dead (so autopause wasn't working), and i missed some parts of the ride.

HR seemed a little high for PE, although power seemed to match my PE. not sure if that means anything. it could just be the humidity. I was a little antsy to do "something" with no running or hard swimming this week. I rode pretty easy the first part of the ride. I sat about the 3rd wheel and let other's pick up the pace. On the way back, Jimmy picked up the pace, so I went along with it until i noticed my HR was at 150 and then backed off a little. I pushed the hills a little, but not as much as I've been doing. I did pull pretty strong on the service road, and then sat next to Jimmy for a tempo-ish effort on the west side of the lake.

I drank 2 bottles of Infinit and a bottle of all sport. I wasn't hungry at all after the ride. I had a bottle of honeymilk and then yardwork for about 3 hrs and was just then ready for lunch, but not especially starving. My appetite has been low this week, probably from doing less.

Avg Cad: 90

Avg Pwr: 148

NP: 181

VI: 1.24
