Bike: WestSideInterval Previous Next


5:40 PM

22.8 mi


18.12 mi / hr


QR Lucero


143 lb
142 bpm
172 bpm


8 / 10
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3-ish West Side Intervals

Didn't bring my powertap cradle, so can't download & get norm data & warmup lap until after work. was definitely easier than normal.

first interval - rode with the group pulling until people started sprinting by me on the last right curve for the final point. didn't have room to get out of the draft, so effort dropped some for that last 90"-2"

second interval - i i rode all alone, and seemed to be the only "good" effort.. a car had just gone over TP hill, and the group rushed to draft it. Just tried to keep the group from pulling ahead of me.

third interval - saw that Cooper, Blake, and Spooner had broken up the group a little on the 2nd one, so caught up with them thinking that chasing Cooper would make for a harder interval. It turned out it was easier effort than the earlier ones. The group didn't split and I couldn't get around safely for most of it, so this really felt like an easier interval.
