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103.3 mi


19.1 mi / hr


QR Lucero


145 lb
134 bpm
150 bpm



7 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


Waco Rally

Avg Cad: 90

Avg Pwr: 149

NP: 159

VI: 1.06

felt GREAT riding today. I sat at the back of a group until about mile 9 to let them pull me past some of the starting line craziness, and then spent the entire rest of the ride time trialing solo (occasionally picking up people that would sit on my wheel for a little bit). I just made it my goal to ride steadily in my HR zone and keep my VI low. I carried 3 bottles so only stopped once at mile 57 for a quick refill. I drank 5 bottles of Infinit. Last year the route was a little shorter, so I was surprised by the extra time and ended up a little thirsty at the end. I would have stopped part of a 6th bottle if I realized there was more riding ahead of me.

legs felt good at the end. I had a headwind for a lot of the ride after my water stop, and then at mile 95 I hit a really strong wind that slowed me to a crawl. Tried to just stay steady, though.
