Run: Easy Previous Next


10.5 mi


6:16 mi

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In rochester, got up early off of very little sleep and ran to the erie canal like i did last year but i went farther this year. Started feeling like i had to poop at like 4 or 5 miles but there was no place to stop, then it got really bad and i stopped at two places on the canal and both had their bathroom locked and it was awful, so i started running back and after 15 minutes i passed the dept of public works building so i just went in and asked the dude where the bathroom was. The rest of my run was great, i killed the way back. The last mile and a half were 530 pace apparently. The way out i averaged a 630 i think and the way back a 6:00. So decent run, wasnt too cold, about 35 degrees, still shorts weather
