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2:00 PM

5 km


4:41 mi


Not the prettiest of racing. Got out and went straight to the rail. I liked where I was for most of the race. I moved up accordingly throughout. At one point I pointed at the ground to move out and some dudes literally let me get out, so that was sweet. I still was able to close pretty hard. A quick last 3 laps set me up pretty well. Wish I would've went with 5 laps to go. I watched the playmakers make a move and didn't react. I should've been more in the mix at the end. Thankfully this isn't my last race ever. I actually have a busier summer scheduled than I usually do. Looking forward to racing fast, making new friends and winning some cash.

June 11, 8:30 AM - Calvin 5k road race

June 11, 9 PM - WISCOMile

July 8 - Stumptown Twilight I Portland, Track 5k

July 30 - Bix7 (you knew it was coming)

See ya later Wartburg friends, thanks for everything.
