Bike: Long Previous Next


6:07 AM

41.6 mi


12.72 mi / hr


172 lb


70 F


8 / 10
7 / 10


A stress fracture in my right tibia forces me to dust off the bike for a couple of weeks. I don't particularly like biking, but it will be a good change of pace and may reignite my interest. It certainly will be better for my overall fitness to cross train more often. Live and learn if I have too.

Solo bike ride from the Stadium MKT trail head to a mile beyond Rocheport, then back to a mile beyond McBaine, then back to the Stadium trail head, back to Forum, then back to Stadium. Throughout this ride, I never really felt that I was taxing my cardio system as much as running does, but my gluts and quads, still untrained for biking, just didn't have the strength to push harder. I GUd before and about every 10 miles and drank lots of water and gatoraide. Made it to Rocheport from Stadium (15.85 miles) in 63 minutes. The ride back to Columbia was 1-2 minutes a mile slower until I got back to Forum. At this point the pace slowed considerably due to my gluts and quads being very tired and numb. The new bike gloves and riding shorts saved the day. The last time I did this ride, my hands and my butt hurt for a week. This time, I don't seem to have any of these pains...A welcome surprise! I'll need to ride harder if I'm going to keep my aerobic fitness for running.
