Run: Hill Previous Next


3:15 PM

6.2 mi


7:58 mi


148.6 lb
184 bpm


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


hill fartlek - take two...

2mi warm-up (15:00)

w/ ascending incline quarters @ 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8% (got a little tough there...)

~2.3mi hill fartlek (20:00)

w/o 4 x (2min @ 15% + 3min @ 10% "rest") ~ avg. incline @ 12%

all continuous @ 8:49 or 6.8mph (last week was @ 6.7mph = 8:57/mi)

~1.9mi cool-down (14:15)

immediately dropped the incline to 2.5% (needed it!), but only for 3/4mi or so, until the total elevation topped 2k.

felt a little better than last week. helps to have four days of "rest"... 2000' elevation gain overall. solid. very tired afterwards... HR was again, but I felt like it was more representative of fitness, considering a full two minutes @ 15% and (likely) faster than goal race pace. I wore the chest strap again (GPS numbers for the HR were way off... again). Averaged in the high 160's to low 170's on the 10% incline "rest periods" and high 170's to low 180's on the 15% "reps". Pretty sure I maxed out at 184 on that last one. Had to harness some serious will-power on those last two so as not to "touch" the bar for a little extra help. Good progress. Time to squeeze in a vertical mile tempo, and then the 3.8mi time trial in the next 16 days... If I can get my time trial in close to 30 or 31 minutes I may actually have a shot at finishing the mountain with a few seconds to spare under 1:10:00... My magic calculator (the numbers don't lie...) has me at 1:09:55 with the weighted averages. Really need to be sure I don't over-extend myself on those middle miles, and then crash on miles 6, 7, and the final 0.6 climb.

Goal Splits:

0.9mi @ 7:00 (7:47/mi)

1.9mi @ 8:40 - 15:40

2.9mi @ 9:05 - 24:45

*half-way ---> 33:08

3.9mi @ 9:15 - 34:00

4.9mi @ 9:58 - 43:58

5.9mi @ 9:50 - 53:48

6.9mi @ 9:52 - 63:40

7.6mi @ 6:19 - 69:59 (9:01)

**2nd half ---> 36:51
