Run: Long Previous Next


10:00 AM

18 mi


7:47 mi


147.4 lb


7 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


I'm eating a ham sandwich. That's what I feel like right now... just a ham sandwich.

Planned to do an epic 20+ miles in and around Gloucester today. Made the last second decision to give the "Dogtown" trails a try as I'd been wanting to check them out all summer... Big mistake. Not only was it impossible to find, the trails I did find were brambly and poison ivy covered, and home to at least two separate groups of tent-dwelling bums. Reminded me of our "Magnolia Road" cavemen back in Flagstaff... Long story, short, after just one mile at 10:30 pace and a somewhat controlled fall near Babsob Reservoir I said F this place... I'm heading over to Ravenswood. That was my second choice anyway, it's fairly close, the trails are supposedly gentler and less confusing and as it's a Trustee's Reservation, there should be a noticeable lack of vagrants...

Part II: tried to park at Stage Fort because it's scenic, on the ocean and would be a nice place (close by) to start and finish the run. All parking was $10, so again, F this place. I continued on to Ravenswood. Looking good now... Found the trails, decent signage, not too rocky... Okay. I think I'm good. I was still taking things easy, strolling through around 8:00 pace, until less than two miles in a rock jumped up and bit me... I never fall on trails... At least not for five or six years. I almost took a good digger out in California back in July, but somehow managed a miraculous recovery after stumbling for 10-15 yards. Not this time... Hard fall, straight down, barely got my hands out in front. Small scrapes on left elbow and a solid chunk out of my right forearm... And I'm sure my back will be thanking me tomorrow... F this place. Gingerly made my way through the rest of the five mile loop and headed out to the roads.

Part III: moderately successful 6 miles on the roads out and back to Magnolia via Hesperus. Enjoyed the perfect running weather, lovely scenery and let it get to my head. Still feeling banged up, I decided to press my luck with a few miles at Stage Fort Park.

Part IV: 95% beautiful run, humming along, Seacoast views, cannons overlooking the harbor, and a giant attack boulder that took a chunk out of my left shin... Stopped at the beach to wash the dirt/sand out of my knee and palms from the fall... F this place. Took the nearest trail back to the roads and ran out to the Fishermans memorial and back.

Part V: Had to add another mile or two past Ravenswood on the roads to get 18 miles and I found a nice soccer park on the edge of Magnolia. There was a ton of goose poop, but no killer rocks.

Skipped my plans for a gluttonous breakfast in Gloucester... Started too late, didn't get over 20 miles, and i just felt like poo... Grabbed a coffee and massive scone (spell-check thought I wanted "scorn"... Nice.) at Lone Gull Coffee House. Solid.

Now I've got to finish that ham sandwich.



But you're still going to Thirsty Thursday, right?