Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 PM

11.3 mi


6:53 mi


150.2 lb


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map

RMHS Track


RTC workout... on the TRACK!!!!! no more snow. at least for now.

met mike g. en route at woburn street and warmed up for 4 miles total, some on the trakc with mike c when he showed up. did a few minutes of stretching (imagine that) then dropped my pants for an icy-legged shorts workout.

2 x 2.5mi (14:41/14:25) w/ 800m (3:26) rest betwixt

good stuff. felt much better than expected. had planned to run 6:00 pace if possible. surprised at how easy it was to settle into 5:50's.

added an easy lap on the track, put my mostly dry pants back on, then a set of lunges before jogging back home. bumped into joe hagan on the way home. nice chat along willow street.
