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  • Exercises


Decent lift

Squats - 130lb 5x5. No issues but can tell the weight is creeping up. Tried to really focus on form. Did a some clamshells yesterday post run but didn't notice anything.

Barbell Row - 90lb 5x5 but struggled badly on sets 2 and 3. Was about to drop weight but instead adjusted by shoulder position after realizing I wasn't setup quite right. Sets 4 and 5 went much better. Plan to repeat this weight next time though and get it right. Need to keep shoulder blades back and down/flat. Upper traps have been tight and limiting ROM a bit.

Bench - 95lb 5x5. Bumped up 10lbs and did just fine. A noticeable increase but was able to manage well. A bit worried about not having a lifting partner in a few weeks when the weight is higher. Will just have to leave the collars off and dump the weight if I get stuck. I'd rather not take up a rack unless the gym is empty (perhaps incentive to lift in the AM?) but this is the safest route.

Planks/Abs - did some yesterday as well. The focus on diaphragm breathing seems like it's going to pay off. Threw in some crunches and leg lifts but planks will continue to be the focus.
