Run: Easy Previous Next


8.9 mi


6:57 mi


Decent run, posture is getting much easier to maintain as I work out all the kinks. I've also found by working to elevate my rib cage I get a bit more relaxation through the low back and obliques - which in turn seems to make it easier to release and stretch them.

I've seen some pretty big improvements in the few days of being aware of my posture and trying to put it to practice all the time.

Hopefully I'm able to find some consistency in feeling really good - at that point I'm looking to start back up my upper body lifting and really increase my overall strength work (core, glutes, etc). Right now I'm just doing some minor things and would love to step it up.

Less than 2 weeks before the next PT appt with a running eval - hoping to make more progress by then.

**In particular today - pre-run I seemed to really loosen/release my left back, hip and TFL...while running my glute med seemed to actually be working and got a bit fatigued. I'm guessing all the tight structures were preventing proper glute activation and in turn I was just compensating and over working the already tight muscles. Tomorrow will tell more but unfortunately I'm back to the desk job...
