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7:00 PM

5 mi


5:52 mi


149 lb


83 F
  • Map


Not at all happy with the time or how I felt for this one, but I'll take 5OA. Perhaps I'm just a fair-weather racer

Conditions were far from ideal...checking back on the weather it was 83 at race time and felt like 89 but with a 19 mph wind. The wind was a factor on the first mile, but it felt good despite being a headwind. The wind was pretty well blocked after that but with the heat/humidity I really wanted it back.

Race started on time and a big pack gathered together right out of the gates and I was hanging back a little but trying to draft when I had a chance as the wind was strong. A couple more joined the lead group and I had to back off and let them go a bit. Leaders crossed in 5:07ish, I hit it at 5:36 and didn't feel strong. Most of mile 1 is flat or downhill except for one reasonable uphill...add in the headwind and heat and no wonder I was feeling rough.

Mile 2 is very downhill and it didn't take long for the pack to string out. I had a quicker split with a 5:29 and was starting to reel in some people, but the lead 3 were out of reach already. I passed Jayson and he told me he'd see me at the finish line. I was in 7th or so and caught a guy (who turned out to be banditing) during mile 3...I slowed once I reached him and tried to get some oxygen back. I had dumped a couple cups on my head at the water stop and the singlet was clinging and heavy. I was uncomfortable and felt like I was running out of steam.

I pulled away from the bandit, then 5th place dropped out with a calf injury of some didn't take long to be completely hung out to dry with Mikey the next runner in front and too far ahead for me to find any will power to even try.

Mile 4 sucked as we started going back uphill, and mile 5 is nothing but up. The heat took away all desire and the only thing that kept me pushing was it being a race and hoping to still have a reasonable time.

In the end it was no better than a good tempo pace. I have no doubt my HR was quite high however, so at least it was a good workout. 5:48 for mile 3 and both 4 and 5 were somewhere around 6:10...I accidentally cleared my watch it would seem...maybe on purpose so I'd forget this miserable race.

Chatted with Chris Colgan for a bit, he got 3rd. Also ran a cool-down with the winner - Andrew.

Lots to learn from this race and even more to take away and work on. Re-examining a few things and hoping to find the next level one of these days.
