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Finally back in the gym after nearly a week....should have pushed through despite the "Race" but the extra couple of recovery days was nice and seemingly helped me rebound from the little bout of fatigue.

Squats - 125lb 5x5 - no real issues as usual. Starting to get a bit more difficult but not much... the days off and coming after a race probably made this just a bit harder.

OH Press - 70lb - struggled here and had something kinda giveout on me on the 3rd set. Ended up more or less getting 5x5 but will be sticking with this weight for next time. Assuming that some chest tightness came into play and perhaps my form isn't too great here.

Dead lift - 125lb- a better warmup this time around and got in some reps with 95 and then 115 before going to 125. Will keep doing the lower weight build-up as it helps with form and adds nicely to the workout. Think I did 1x5 and then 1x3 for a little extra practice with 125. Don't expect any issues keeping this moving up in weight for a few more weeks.

Planks/Abs - Planks were with a big focus on diaphragm breathing and I'm hoping will help to activate diaphragm and coordinate with core.
