Run: Easy Previous Next


5:30 PM

7 mi


7:11 mi


152 lb


78 F


4 / 10
6 / 10


Pretty good run, but could have been great if not for a few problems that crept up. Had indigestion off and on throughout which slowed me down a lot on mile 3. Had some occasional knee pains/aches, but the real problem was a foot pain/cramp that popped up during mile 6 very briefly and then hit again very hard with a half mile to go...I nearly had to limp it in from there. Would have been a much quicker last mile as I was at the half-mile mark in 3:20.

Hopefully the foot isn't an issue...likely related to some tight calf muscles. Iced, rolled and stretched some afterward and foot is feeling decent. Had a little fatigue off and on as well. Not sure what all happened on mile 3...the indigestion evidently took my mind away from running and I started loping along. Miles 5 and 6 felt very nice.

7:20, 7:15, 7:43, 7:11, 6:44, 6:44, 7:13
