Run: Tempo Previous Next


9 mi


8:06 mi

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<No name>


2 mile warm-up

12 minutes @ 7:45 pace

12 minutes @ 7:35 pace

12 minutes @ 7:30 pace

(3 minute recovery jog in between)

cool-down until you reach 9 miles

Did the workout as written. Had a PT appt first and then went to BR for the treadmill. Given the issues with the hip I didn't want to attempt this outside (in case I had to stop or adjust mileage). I woke up feeling a little off, like I was coming down with a cold and also had the hip really bugging me. PT appt confirmed a couple of things (still looking very much like a labral tear and my big toe issue is arthritis in the joint, not extensor tendonitis).

For the run itself, I did struggle, mostly because my hip bothered me. I didn't really feel tired or out of breath until the last 12 minute set. Definitely not one of my strongest tempo runs, but I also recognize that my body is pretty worn down between the training and the hip injury. I may have to skip an easy run (or substitute with a pool run) this week to be able to recover enough for the long run Friday.

Training Plan Entry


9 mi

2 mile warm-up

12 minutes @ 7:45 pace

12 minutes @ 7:35 pace

12 minutes @ 7:30 pace

(3 minute recovery jog in between)

cool-down until you reach 9 miles
