Run: Easy Previous Next


8:42 PM

2 mi


10:40 mi


27 F
  • Map


Not a big fan of running in the dark around here. Thankfully I have Penny and some pepper spray to make me feel a little better. And main street is lit up pretty well. It's kind of funny because almost everything is on main street here including the one gym in town that's a 24/7 fitness center and they have their treadmills right in front of the windows so Penny and I get to see the people running on the treadmill instead of running outside. I always think at least I'm not stuck on a boring treadmill and if I'm feeling crappy it usually provides just the right amount of motivation for me to make it through the 2 mile run I put off until later than I wanted and really didn't feel like doing except that I'm trying to keep my streak and also know that getting in a run always makes me feel better. No aches and pains besides the feeling of my shoes rubbing against my heels. Need to get some better socks.
