Run: Easy Previous Next


7:00 AM

10.3 mi


9:15 mi


162 lb


3 F


3 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map

<No name>


Ran with Adam starting at his house. Ran to the YMCA loop and then ran 4 times around the loop before returning to Adam's house. It was bitterly cold this morning, with air temperatures starting at 3 degrees F and wind chills around -8 degrees F. I bundled up and wore tights, long underwear, and pants on the bottom and 3 shirts and a fleece on top. I also wore 2 pairs of gloves, a full hat, and a scarf. I was probably slightly overdressed, but not terribly so. I did get a little warm, but it was better than being cold. My legs were really heavy on this run and they were quite sore by the end of the run. I need to get out and run more during the week. I feel like I am losing some of my fitness. My water froze quickly so we had to stop at the YMCA for a drink at about 7 miles or so. This stop probably took about 4-5 minutes. All in all, I am glad I did this one as it was the coldest run I have ever done, but I can tell my fitness needs work.
