
Date Activity Course Type Distance ▲ Duration Pace  
1/26/2007 Run
Euclid to 11th to San Bernardino
Easy 4.8 mi 38:00 7:55
1/24/2007 Run
Euclid to 11th to San Bernardino
Tempo 5.2 mi 39:42 7:39
1/30/2007 Run
Euclid to 11th to San Bernardino
Tempo 5.2 mi 40:33 7:48
2/3/2007 Run
Euclid to 11th to San Bernardino
Tempo 5.2 mi 39:23 7:35
2/8/2007 Run
Euclid to 11th to San Bernardino
Tempo 5.2 mi 40:47 7:51