Run: Long Previous Next


6:30 AM

12.6 mi


10:28 mi


105.6 lb


37 F
  • Map


All jobs went off for today, which was frustrating, but took the opportunity to squeeze in a long run pre-Saturday Plymouth MCRA seminar. Morning off to poor start with PC problems, multiple time-consuming reboots. Weather decent. MP3 headphones died after one and a half songs. Totally pissed. Fairly new and cheap wire broke. First I was down to one ear, and then no sound at all. Two-hour run ahead of me with no music, but I soldiered on. Of course, mood gradually improved, and I'm so glad I got the run in. Came home to mega phone interruptions which postponed breakfast nearly an hour. Then I got a call for last-minute afternoon depo, so feeling very pleased I ran *and* got a job. 18%
