Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

7.2 mi


11:30 mi


104.2 lb


40 F


Weird run. Intended to do a full 10, surfaces allowing. Left later than planned after eating pretzels, sugary fudge and a few salted peanuts. Wore Santa hat. Temps/wind felt pretty good. Longfellow to Anderson Bridge fairly clear, but as I approached Anderson, I decided that would be my turnaround point, but still planning 8 miles at that point.

Hit a wall at BU and walked from there to Mass. Ave. feeling a little odd. Then ran across bridge back to Boston side because I was getting cold and managed to keep the momentum up till the end. Actually started to feel pretty good again.

Looks like I ran 52, walked 19, ran 11 (minutes).

A gent came out of CVS and got into his parked car. He said he saw me "a long time ago on Storrow Drive, carrying your hat," which was true since I got too hot. :)

Ate tangerines and oats and still feeling wonky, on and off. Hope it passes soon with breakfast now in my stomach.

Had a lovely lunch at Hurrah yesterday. Making beef stew today. Mini yule log cake for dessert.

