Run: Long Previous Next


7:45 AM

13.5 mi


10:23 mi


22 F
  • Map

Random Route


:( Such a frustrating run. Went with the boys out to Hopkinton to run 16 miles back to Newton. Ran out of time (backed up against a hair appointment deadline), so I had to head back early. Spent more time traveling than running, IMO.

2/18 update: Well, it's been bothering me and bothering me how Jon claimed he and Kel ran our impromptu route 20 minutes FASTER than Derry. I just couldn't figure out how that was possible and have been thinking the 11-mile estimate must be off. I finally carefully consulted a route map and have concluded it was closer to 13-1/2 miles, which helps things a little.

11 miles (13:11 pace) to 13.5 miles (10:45 pace)
