Run: Race Previous Next


9:00 AM

4 mi


8:34 mi


45 F

Race Result

710 / 2196 (32.3%)
253 / 1231 (20.6%)
111 / 505 (22%)


Place No. Name Time Pace Town St Ag Sex/Tot S Div/Tot Div

156 948 Anuj Khetarpal 27:20 6:50 BROOKLINE MA 26 133/971 M 32/211 M2029

518 526 Mark Duffield 32:10 8:03 BROOKLINE MA 44 355/971 M 79/188 M4049

655 1323 Carrie Mosher 33:37 8:25 DORCHESTER MA 33 224/1231 F 98/505 F3039

710 493 Virginia Dodge 34:16 8:34 BOSTON MA 39 253/1231 F 111/505 F3039

716 1521 Donna Quirk 34:20 8:35 BOSTON

1420 1772 Matt Sullivan 40:17 10:05 ARLINGTON MA 38 719/971 M 305/401 M3039

1423 825 Audrey Huang 40:19 10:05 CAMBRIDGE MA 42 703/1231 F 103/192 F4049

1717 841 Lee Iacopucci 43:24 10:51 SOMERVILLE MA 33 895/1231 F 362/505 F3039

1722 1591 Susan Rosa 43:26 10:52 SOMERVILLE MA 39 899/1231 F 364/505 F3039

1796 1653 Noelle Selin 44:19 11:05 SOMERVILLE MA 31 945/1231 F 392/505 F3039


Race was gun time. I started my watch after gun, but before I started.

Mile 1: 8:53

Mile 2: 7:53

Mile 3: 8:01

Mile 4: 8:13

33:01 vs. 34:16


Wore the Pilgrim costume. Rode over with Beacon Hill Runner Donna Quirk--very nice. Met up with B'Fit. Saw three GoGo Girls.

"We were just passed by a witch. I think she's cheating."

"That's a pilgrim."
