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5:01 AM

13.1 mi


6:38 mi


55 F


One of my better halfs, can't really complain too much. <br><br>My whole goal was to run 1:26 and qualify for the front at Chicago. Found out a week before the race that I would be starting this one in corral c, which means I'd be behind a ton of slower women. I guess I didn't read the FAQs properly. <br><br>Lined up at the front and started 12 minutes after the ""elite"" runners and had some clear running for about half a mile. Then I ran into the back of the ""runners"" (since most of them were walking). Had to spend the first two miles either running on the grass just to get some open area. The water stop at mile 1 was a clusterfuck as water was on both sides and slow people don't know how to run and drink at the same time.<br><br>Finally got to some highway around mile 3 and was able to just cruise. I was still having to dodge in and out a wee bit, but wasn't nearly as bad. I don't remember paying too much attention to my splits at this point. I was feeling really comfortable as we got closer to the Magic Kingdom. At mile 5.5ish, I was running on the sidewalk heading into the back area when I really twisted my ankle. I thought I was going to go down and am not really sure how I did it. But it didn't really bother me until after the race when it turned all black and blue.<br><br>Somehow my GPS screwed up in the MK (I did not run a 6:19) and I took a split at mile 7 to get back on track. I didn't have my total time showing (wish I would have) so wasn't too sure on what my overall time was shaping up to be. On the way back to EPCOT, I just started clicking off the miles and was trying to run around 6:30/mile. I started pacing with the Danish guy and was just concentrating on him. I'd pull up next to him and he'd surge a little bit. It was good fun. I knew we were pretty high up in the standings.<br><br>The legs were feeling like there was something in them, so I was ready to make a good surge to the finish. Then I made a mistake around mile 11.75, I took in more water. About a quarter mile later I started to get a massive stitch going into EPCOT. It freakin' hurt. I was trying to concentrate on breathing but nothing was working. Super frustrating as I think this is the spot where I lost my goal. Blah.<br><br>Well it was my second fastest half and a very good effort and I was 13th overall out of 15000+...<br><br>After the previous weekend's crappy 5k, lots of flying around, little sleep, theme parks on Friday, and on my feet way too much on Saturday...I'm definitely satisfied with the race and am looking forward to seeing how I do later this spring in a race where I don't have to dodge so much traffic.<br><br>First half in racing flats...
