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7:28 AM

13.1 mi


6:34 mi


65 F


Wasn't really sure if I was going to write a race report or not for this. I remember very little about the race.<br><br>In reality it was my second fast half (out of 32) and the fastest in six years. I had set two goals, the first was to qualify for the front corral at Chicago and second was to PR. Well I managed one of the two goals.<br><br>The game plan was to start with the first 5k between 6:30 and 6:40 and settle into a 6:25 pace until 10 miles and see what (or if) I had anything left. The weather was not the best. Temps at the start of the half were in the mid-60s, fairly humid, strong wind out of the north at around 30 mph, but at least it was cloudy.<br><br>Was also planning on running with Regina and we both agreed to the race plan. That lasted a whole second. The gun went off and she decided to take off and get out of traffic, which there wasn't much since it took us :04 to cross the line. Finally got her to settle down and I was already off the plan. Ran a 6:23 for the first mile. Instead of dwelling on it (like I normally do) I said screw it and kept running.<br><br>During the second mile she continued to keep up the pace (she ended up 4th woman) and I made the decision that this was my race and to do my own thing. It was incredibly frustrating, but I was over it quickly. It was a little early, but miles two and three I settled in to the mid-6:20's pace with a 6:27 and 6:29. Looking back this was my only real regret from the race. I wish I would have ran this part a wee bit slower. Who knows, maybe on a great weather day I might have made it stick.<br><br>The next few miles we continued south and was just running. The race was really spread out at the front and wasn't really running with anyone. Just made sure to keep a steady pace and made sure to do fluids. There were loads of spectators out and really added to the atmosphere of the race.<br><br>Felt pretty solid heading south and clicking the miles off at a good pace (6:23, 6:28, 6:28, 6:23). Made it through the 10k in 40:07 (which would have been my 3rd fastest 10k).<br><br>Shortly after the 10k mat, you turn and head north. As I mentioned before, there was a very strong headwind and not many runners around. Not really anyone to work with through the wind. I tried to keep a steady effort, but got frustrated when my next mile clicked over at 6:36. Ack. I did get out of the wind and pass a few people the next mile and got back down around 6:25, but that was the last of those. <br><br>The last four miles were a bit of a blur. I was working hard, but the wind was taking so much out of me. I just kept pushing and thought I was going to get passed with how much I slowed down, but the last 10 miles I was passed once. So I think everyone else was hating the headwind as much as I was. Last four splits were 6:37, 6:40 (urgh), 6:40 (more urgh), and 6:37. <br><br>I was trying to do ""runner's math"" and thought I was on pace for a sub-1:25, but I was wrong and I was on pace for a sub-1:26. I was very disappointed to see the clock say 1:25 something heading into the dome. But at least I got into corral A at Chicago. <br><br>Overall, I'm fairly indifferent about the race. Part of me is happy that I was able to run this fast again, but part of me is pissed that I started so fast and didn't stick to the plan.<br><br>As one of my friends pointed out to me is that in past years if I had a tough race I'd run in the high 1:30s, now I have a not great race I'm in the mid-1:20s. Like Monty Python used to say ""always look on the bright side of life"".
