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9:08 AM

12 km


15:54 km


73.7 kg


2 C


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Mill Section


Exploring the crown land parcel at Mill Section again. Nice sunny cool morning, ice on the puddles.

Parked at end of woods road, posted with name Pick's Pass and headed up road to NE 750m to junction.

Went off trail at first junction to check out the hill. Headed NW through bush 100m to solitary oak tree then another 100m to top of slope. The hill here is about 77m vert in 215m (35%) and is pretty rocky, Watch the footing!

Next I continued NE along the road to the power line then follow it 400m to the brook. The map showed an old road or trail coming to the brook on the north side of the powerline but it is not runnable. I did see sign of what could be an old cart path in one place but not enough to follow, this section was all bushwacking north and NW back to the road.

Once I got back to the road I found the old cart trail on the north side. It is a nice run northwesterly down to the main road (Hwy No 14), about 750m to drop 125m (16%), would be a good run up too.

Followed main road 300m south back to powerline and climbed the hill on south side of line through mature forest. Nice, pretty easy to find open ways through. Total climb back to access road is 127m in 560m (22%) but the first 100m climb is 27%. Good workout.

Ran 450m SW along access road back to first junction and took the SE branch. Ran up this branch 1.2k to top of hill then went NE off trail along hill top toward the power lines. Started out slow bushwacking but found skidsteer path through cut area that was runnable for a bit then turned off it to continue uphill to powerline. Might be able to pick that up right from the access road if I continue a little farther next time.

Followed powerline NW back to access road. Total distance was 1.3k for a drop of 80m. There were occasional signs of ATV path but not used heavily. There is a wet area about 300m along that is easily passed on the north side. The brook is easy to cross on the south side of the power line.

Headed back out to the car, taking in one more repeat on the off-trail hill.

Over all vert=650m

I really enjoyed this trip.
