Run: Long Previous Next


5:15 AM

13.1 mi


8:47 mi


150.2 lb


70 F
  • Map

Random Route


Great Run. Started out slow for first 6.5 miles (9:10) pace. Ran the second half much faster(8:30). These are just guesses at this point. I know I was running under 8 minute pace for the last mile. Ran on the Coronado bike path. I know I have become a real runner when I get up at 4 am, run for 2 hours, take a shower outside at a beach, and then drive to the conference. Saw an accident area where a car hit a bicylst. It did not look good. Huge dent in hood and windshield was really messed up. The bike was a big mess as well. Thankfully they had already put the bicyclst in the ambulance or I'm not sure I would ever get back on my bike.

Also wanted to note that I took a gu at 4 miles and one at 8 miles. This worked out great. If I had only done this at the lifeline. Amazing that I can still make such stupid mistakes.
