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10:55 AM

9.4 mi


6:32 mi


95 lb
163 bpm
194 bpm


60 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
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Forest Grove


Workout: 6 mile tempo @ 6:05 pace + 6 x 200m hill sprints + 1 mile tempo + 1 mile cooldown.

I didn't do my regular warm-up of dynamic stretching and strides. just my leg swing dynamic stretching and took right off for the run. perfect, cool, running conditions by the way. Joel and Taylor ran w/ me to set pace. As soon as we started the tempo i was feeling strong. It didn't feel like i was running as fast as 6min pace but we were. My left leg pain hurt a little bit in the beginning but had pretty much went away almost to nothing, thank God. After maybe a half a mile it felt like it was getting harder and needed to put effort into maintaining the pace. i was trying hard to keep up w/ Joel and Taylor that were a few strides in front of me. mile 2 and 3 were the hardest, but i felt a 2nd wind about 4.5mi. during the run some time Taylor said "I'm impressed" and another time he said "I don't know a lot of girls that do what you do." that was a really nice compliment coming from a state champion. by mi 6 i was feeling really strong. there were 2 or 3 hills. i probably would've ran a sub 36:00 if it was a flat course all the way. i said grapefruit out loud at mi 6, thinking of feeling and being smooth and i was feeling really good at this point. during the run, i was using a lot of positive affirmation in my head to stay strong when i was feeling hard effort a lot of the time: how bad do you want it? i'm going for the gold; the Spirit of the Lord is upon me; i will always do my best; i can do all things who strengthen me; Kiakaha; Jesus suffered more than what I feel.

We took a break, walking maybe 1/4mi to the hills to do the hill sprints. those kicked my butt. by #3 i was feeling these pretty good. i gave what i could the last one. i probably could've tried harder, but i was hurting (tired) pretty good and let out my big groan at the end. we took a few minutes break and then did the 1mi tempo. i was feeling strong in this actually after all that running. i felt even better since we were going down a slighth decline. it might have been .02mi shy of 1mi.

my last 1mi tempo split was 5:30. (the mi splits listed in the intervals are off b/c i didn't start the time over when we switched to the different workouts.

i was really happy w/ today's workout. i couldn't believe how well i did after running a hard 20k on Wed. Joel said he was really proud of me of how well i did today.

foam rolled and used the stick
