Run: Fartlek Previous Next


7:05 PM

16.6 mi


6:42 mi


94 lb
166 bpm
181 bpm


65 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Workout: 3mi warm-up; 10 x 1000m @ 6min w/ 6:40-45min recoveries; 1mi cooldown.

nap: 65min

Did easy warm up. i ran faster than i usually do. i realize i don't have to be running 8min pace for a warm-up. i need to go a little faster i think to get my body ready for quick speed work. i drank about 6 oz of half and half gatorade/water and took 3 Clif block shots.

Workout went really well, i'd say. I did manage to snub some of the times. a couple times i pressed the lap time too early, losing track of my distance while i'm trying to stay focused on the running. i did pretty well on staying on pace. i looked at my watch constantly to make sure i was on pace, more than i should've but i kept looking at the pace on my garmin b/c Joel really stressed how important it is that i stay on pace for this workout, which i really wanted to accomplish. the first one as usual was too fast. i think it's b/c it's the first one, so i'm really fresh. my first recovery was too fast too. even though it was reading about 6:20 pace, i was hesitant b/c i felt like i'd be going way too slow if i did, but it didn't feel that fast at 6:20. i got on better pace on the 2nd set.

by the 7th set, that's when it started to get a bit more challenging. i had to work myself to make sure i stayed on pace. i was tired but i'm glad i could stay on pace. on the 9th interval, my garmin was saying 6:08 pace, so i picked it up and then the garmin said 5:30 pace. i don't know if i really sped up to 5:30 pace. maybe it was just adjusting speed. anyways, i didn't wanna go that slow so i could stay on pace, so i ended up speeding up. by the last recovery, i really didn't wanna do it, but i did it anyways, b/c i was pretty sure Joel meant to do 10 recoveries and i wanted to be more safe than sorry. i think it was just wishful thinking on my part too. ha ha.

left pain area was a little sore, but it really didn't bother me or distract me.

overall, job well done!! i was really encouraged when Joel said this is the workout that the kenyan's do about 4wks before a marathon. that made me felt really special that i was doing a workout like them. those ppl amaze me so much.

i took my Recoverite (just a little less than 2 scoops) and whey mixed together.

lifted legs @ 9:17 pm today and did 12min abs.

i took about a scoop of whey again and ate a tuna sandwich after the weights like Joel said to do and then took my Cardio multivitamins as my "dinner" time take.
