Run: Easy Previous Next


7:32 PM

11.1 mi


8:16 mi


98 lb


70 F


6 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


PM run

Yay!! I bought my new shoes. they felt great as soon as i put them on and they felt so light when i started testing them outside. i was looking forward to this run, running back in Ashland and on softer stuff to give my legs a break.

well, there were definitely a bunch of hills and steep. it felt so nice to run on the dirt along the ditch. after a few hills, my head started to feel light headed. after that hill i went another couple or 3 miles flat and then ran into hills again and made sure to take it nice and easy b/c of its grade. i ended up back on road again unfortunately, trying to find the road to connect back to upper Lithia so i took a bunch of turns and turn arounds. my right foot was hurting. it was bugging me more today. i would go down hill backwards now and then to take the pressure off my foot.

it was a good run today. would've been better if i was on soft stuff the whole time, but was a lot better than what i usually run on. i'll have to get a map to get some better runs i don't know about.
