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13 mi

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<No name>


Best workout of the summer so far. And that's saying something, because every workout this summer has been above average. This was probably the most painful workout of the year so far too.Justin started the whole thing fairly fast and so I just took it and started cranking a little early. It pretty tough and Justin helped me in the front for a while until I started to fall out of sync about 6 miles in. Leb got up to Justin, but fell off up the trail hill up to Breton. I took a sketchy crossing, I should have motioned to the group to go. We all got together and I was able to reengage with Justin for a bit, and then I was just grinding so hard to the finish. I told myself to just get up the hill and then sprint. I just kept saying that over and over in my head. I was starting to reel in Justin, but never caught him. I was nervous the whole time that I heard Caleb's footsteps so I was cranking because of that too. REAL confidence booster today. Running 80 miles and doing this good in workouts is really great.

Caleb said he thought I gave off a super locked in vibe today and it was true. I wasn't messing around and the results were positive because of it. I'm gunna enjoy the feeling of killing this workout a little more.
