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7.9 mi


2.72 mi / hr

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<No name>


622 (7 bridges trail) + some random nonsense

Got what looked like the end of the 622 and I was feeling myself so I followed some snow tracks which lead to this scree slope with a cool rock face at the top of it. It became the challenge of the day. Thank goodness I had poles. It was very slow moving to get through the sketchy bits but the view at the top was very worth it.

Down the mountain

Accidentally saved the file during my animal cracker snack break on the rock face/ my turnaround pt.

Gorgeous day all around!

The only thing that worried me around a 40% into the run was when I was in deeper snow and my foot was turning in and out a lot I felt a shooting pain (not strong though) once in a while from my broken ankle side. I think it was my stabilizers on that side not being used a lot over the past 1.5 months being pissed at me for being used so much during that time, when I got out of those sections everything was fine. Something to tell the PT about, but I don't think anything to worry about in general. Just gotta stay on top of my PT stuff, and get enough rest. Thanks be to God for the great day!

Clear sky, 47°F, Feels like 43°F, Humidity 28%, Wind 8mph from S - by Klimat.app
