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6:18 PM

6.5 mi


13:05 mi


137 lb
145 bpm
159 bpm
  • Map

<No name>


Ran super slow. Did first 20 minutes at like 4.6 then up to 4.8 and 5.0 for 20 minutes. Then came back down and stayed at HR. Didn't feel hard HR wise or foot wise (although there were some twinges in the foot at the very beginning of the run but they faded). Hope I'm not overdoing it again but I'm going super duper slow (went at 4.0 and 3.5 for the last like 10-15m). GAINED 3 POUNDS. URGH. Ate like crazy last week and couldn't run. Need to lose 7 pounds before I see my mom!!! So need to run a lot and not eat that much. Have done small dinners for 2 days.
